The Artist Life Multi-verse: A Community Zine

Goals for this zine:

Broad themes: How to Make Money as an Artist, What is "Art", Art's role in Today's World.

This zine is for underrepresented and marginalized artists. This includes Immigrants, Students abroad, People with Mixed Heritage, Folks living with Disabilities, Elders, Youth, Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color and many more. While we will not be policing submissions, we ask that everyone is thoughtful about responding to these prompts and respectful to the intended communities.

Art is for everyone. But claiming the title of "artist" can feel very intimidating. You are invited to participate whether you relate to art as your hobby, profession, area of study, past pursuit or something else entirely.


Gather questions
Start designing funding & compensation plan


Open submission period
Close submission period
Edit and design physical zine
Finalize compensation plan


Zine release
Pay contributors


Send us questions you have about making a living as an artist. Our email is

These questions will be gathered together, lightly categorized, and released as prompts to respond to.

Your name or username will be kept to be part of our special thanks section!

Share funding resources or contribute to the zine fund

It is important to us that contributors are compensated for their submissions in phase 2. We are figuring out how to do this.

TTZ is self-funded. Our budget is dependent on our personal incomes and prioritizes accessibility to our programming through ASL and securing accessible venues.

We have pursued funding and grants for our work, but haven't had luck. We would greatly appreciate support in learning to get financial backing for what we do. What we learn about funding will become part of the zine.

If you have the means to contribute, our venmo is @tinytechzines

Some of our starting questions